Fazer Food Services

From research and development experts to highly influential interaction professionals

With our CX/EX training, Fazer Food Services research and development experts were able to gain new professional skills required in their daily work, marked by an ever increasing need for interaction and need to convince both internal and external clients in professional encounters. They adapted to an interaction-focused professional identity, shaped by change in the business environment and the organisation culture.

The continuous change in our business environment demands both strong content knowledge and excellent interaction skills from our experts. We need to be able to act in different new networks, tell and even sell our ideas and know-how. It is important that the dialogue is as broad as possible and happens in many channels. Shirute's trainers provided us with an excellent opportunity to step out of our comfort zone to new situations. At the same time, we learned theoretical frameworks for continuous development. We were very satisfied with this training!
Marianne Nordblom
Director, Gastronomy and Food Development, Fazer Food Services


Fazer Food Services wanted to modify their expert identity to become more interaction-focused to respond to the change in their business environment. They wanted a training that would develop the participants’ professional abilities to perform convincingly and influence their audiences. The participants learned to add inspiration, meaningfulness and depth to selling new ideas. The training enhanced everyone’s understanding and know-how about different interaction styles and personas, and offered tools to plan and get ready for moments when they need to be influencing customers, colleagues or associates at different phases of the service path.


The training created by Shirute for Fazer Food Services was built on three parts. It started with getting to know oneself as a performer and influential interactor. Secondly, the focus was shifted to influencing others. As a third stage, participants worked together by giving feedback, sparring peers and encouraging each other, as well as concretely practicing their newly acquired skills in various real-life situations to influence people.

An important part of the training consisted of understanding customer experiences and learning how to use CX/EX tools and methods to improve it. From the perspective of a research and development expert, the client can often be also a colleague or someone else from within the organisation. That is why the training also touched employee and partner experience.

The training built the participants’ courage to throw oneself into new situations. They also learned new skills to cope with challenging and stressful situations.

The next phase of the training will be about revising and reflecting successes in different interaction situations, where the participants have been able to practice their new skills, as well as getting direct feedback for their live performance.

  • Gaining more knowledge about different types of interaction styles and personas
  • Preparing tools for encounters and measuring success
  • Identifying interaction situations at different parts of the service path
  • Practical tips for turning the new knowledge into habits