
Deeper understanding of the CX strategy with CEM Audit

Kesko gained a better understanding of the current state of their customer experience strategy by trying Shirute’s CEM Audit Strategy module.

It is valuable that we can evaluate how customer focused our actions are and what the level of our competences is. Shirute CEM Audit brought us added value by giving the perspective of the expert.
Teemu Naumanen
Director Operative, K-ryhmä, Kesko
Having Shirute audit your CEM maturity can reveal areas that have been left ignored and areas that need more attention. At its best, it can reveal how people act in real life - compared to what they presume to be happening - in the organisation.
Hanna Kortström
Customer Experience and Research team, K-Group, Kesko


Kesko is a Finnish trading sector pioneer that operates in the grocery trade, the building and technical trade and the car trade. Kesko has done a lot of work to develop their customer dialogue and Voice of Customer activities. Customer understanding is part of Kesko’s overall strategy (Annual reports 2017, 2018).

With the help of the audit, Kesko wanted to examine the current state of their customer experience strategy, particularly in the grocery trade. Kesko’s objective was to clarify the overall picture of their customer experience management strategy and to find possible focus areas for development.


Shirute’s CEM Audit Strategy module examines the current state of customer experience strategy e.g. from the point of view of preparing strategies, concretisation, tools and implementation.

The audit started with our CEM Benchmark survey, which helped look into the different areas of customer experience management at Kesko, and compare the results with other companies. This study resulted in a good overall picture of the current state. Based on the results, the content, needs and scope of the next phases of the audit were decided upon.

Themed interviews play a central role in the CEM Audit process. Views on the current state were gathered from across the organisation by conducting these interviews. In addition to analysing the CEM Benchmark survey and interview results, existing customer experience materials, presentations and strategies were examined to deepen the overall understanding.

The findings and development ideas that were discovered during the CEM Audit project were combined to a final report that gave Kesko concrete development ideas to act upon. With Shirute’s digital solution, the results can be studied from many perspectives. In addition, the final project report works as a tool to communicating the results within Kesko’s organisation.

The aim of the CEM Audit was to help Kesko to identify the strengths and development areas of their customer experience strategy and to discover development ideas that they can implement in the future.

From these practical development ideas, Kesko has used the results for example to develop their customer journey management.

  • An overall picture of the current customer experience strategy
  • Information from benchmark results
  • Insights on the current state and best practices to be introduced
  • Objectivity, knowledge and depth to inspect matters from an outside professional’s point of view
  • Development of customer journey management practices based on the new knowledge gained from the project