
Everybody wants good customer service, including your customers. Our experienced professionals will train your company to become the champion of customer experiences. We will create a business fit plan for your company and help you run faster than any of your competitors.

LEGO® Serious Play®

Choose CX Play, when you want to stand out. Really stand out.
Developed and used for many years, CX Play® aids organisations in building quality customer and employee experiences.

The LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method is known worldwide for bringing in profitable perspectives from a different angle.

With this method, you will be able to develop your customer values, intelligence, and experience by concisely pinpointing the good and bad performances. It is also the perfect tool for ideating future scenarios and change.

When working with LEGO bricks, you will channel your three-dimensional critical thinking by creating and constructing metaphors to describe real situations your organization may face. By helping to create simple guiding principles, LSP will make you confident on the actions your organisation and its representatives should take in different encounters.

CX Play® is a tool for multiple applications whether strategic, organisational, or product development and innovation. Book your own tailored workshops or join in on our open sessions.



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Personal trainer

Develop your service to a level that makes customers unable to resist.
Do you know, how mature and healthy your company is in customer experience management? And how you compare to your competitors? Do you need a little shape up?

In all our trainings and projects, we act like a personal trainer: we start with an audit of your business health, to understand where you stand currently. Your knowledgeable personal trainer helps you by reviewing your basic condition in customer encounters, and defines the possible pain points.

By going through the different parts of your customer relationships, we are able to tell you what areas your company should focus on, in order to get in top notch. Based on the results, we agree together on the level that you want to strive towards.

As you follow the business fit plan designed for your company, your know what kind of exercise is needed to develop your customer relationships and customer experiences, so you will always run faster than your rivals.

A clear marching order helps in pulling through the training program that you will need to achieve the goals you have set, and meet the desired level of business condition. We encourage and motivate the competence development of your company. With the program planned together with your personal trainer, you will be able to find a pace that fits your needs and feels good.

The aimed customer experience strategy will then be put into practice, and the achievements towards the set goals – the pulse of the customer experiences delivered by your company – measured in all everyday customer touchpoints. Your personal trainer will be supporting you in achieving these goals on each step you take.


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Voice of customer

Understanding your customers creates profits.
Do you genuinely understand what people think of your company? Both your current and potential customers are actively conversing in different channels. You should be able to listen to what they have to say: in their conversations, survey answers and feedback, lies information about their needs, dreams and hopes.

Understand the information that can improve the reputation of your company as a reliable and customer-friendly brand. Concentrate on creating and sustaining customer understanding, because customers don’t always know what they need. You can also push forward your customers wants through an effective and relevant customer experience.

When we become aware of what is thought of your company, we will help you to utilize the information to develop your business. We offer the needed tools and support you in planning the necessary procedures, processes, metrics and roles & responsibilities for your organisation.

Engage customers by using the voice of your customers in product development, and prove them your company has listened and taken heed. Turn their wishes and feedback into reality. Make no mistake about it, you will win their hearts!


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CEM Benchmark

Find out how good a customer experience leader you are
Comparing key business performances and metrics against the industry bests is always going to benefit your organization one way or another. Shirute CEM Benchmark measures how systematically and goal-oriented your activities are, as well as how organised and developed your CEM development is.

This benchmark is the most comprehensive study evaluating the CEM capabilities and competences. We have been studying the current state of CEM (Customer Experience Management) since 2013.

The participating organisations are evaluated against the Shirute Customer Experience Management Index™ to understand the level of CEM maturity.

This index evaluates five areas related to Customer Experience Management:

  1. Scope
  2. Organisation and governance
  3. Culture
  4. Processes
  5. Tools

We recommend taking the benchmark survey at least once a year. By doing so, you truly understand and witness your own CEM development. Best of all, benchmarking is FREE!



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CEM Analysis

Do you know what you should focus on to make your customers happier?
Shirute CEM analysis tells you how you could make your customers happier with better customer experiences. It evaluates your Customer Experience Management maturity and provides you with recommendations on what to do better.

The analysis is performed based on your CEM Benchmark. It covers all the important areas of good Customer Experience Management and gives you an overview of your current competences.

It also tells you which areas are in good condition and what you need to focus on to get to the next level.

As a result, you will get all this information in a compact report that is easily shared with your management team, board members and anyone else participating in developing your customer understanding and business.



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CEM Audit

What should your organisation do next?
You know the state of Customer Experience Management in your organisation is good, but do you know what to do next?

Consisting of several in-depth modules, the CEM Audit includes key stakeholder interviews, questionnaires, and workshops. It lets you take a deep dive into the current maturity level of your CEM competences.

Our experts will draw a comprehensive conclusion on the state of Customer Experience Management in your organisation and our recommendations for improvement.

Do not neglect the importance of an expert’s view. This is your chance for an unbiased and professional opinion. Auditing your CEM competences might just help you land that next investment approval.


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Customer Experience Management

Memorable and profitable service on your customer’s terms.
We want to help you to understand and serve your customers better, in a consistent and long-lasting manner. With us, you can develop a customer-focused environment, filled with wonderful experiences, strengthen the bond between the customer and your brand, and make your customers happier and more engaged.

We will spar you on the game fields of customer service, where you will, as the quarterback of your company, offer memorable and profitable experiences for your customers. We will coach your team to play together like never before and tweak your game techniques.

We offer your players many ways of information gathering, e.g. focus groups, customer interviews, instant feedback, customer surveys, ethnographic studies, exit shopping interviews and secret shoppers who evaluate your customer service quality by assessing the approachability and atmosphere of your stores from the perspective of your customers.

Based on the attained customer understanding, we will design your company better, more memorable and profitable customer experiences and bring the plans to life to your customers through service design.


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Customer value management

Success begins with your customer.
Have you got any idea which of your customers are the most profitable to your company? Or who will bring their friends and colleagues as your customers? With well-thought customer segmenting, you will increase the customer profitability of your company.

We know how to recognise which of your customers should be paid attention to and how. We advise you on the type of campaigns suitable for implementation and how to manage your customer dialogue as a whole. Get your voice heard amidst your customers and achieve your desired results with us.

We can help you to devise suitable models for managing customerships to engage your customers. Our recommendations will make you able to meet the requirements of different segments.

We will tirelessly guide you in searching for solutions to refine your customerships and to build an operational customer vision that drives your company to gain revenue, reach a more cost-effective way of operation and create more profitable customerships. Our goal is to train you to addresses customers’ needs, increase recommendations and improve sales all in one go.


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Customer intelligence management

Competent customer intelligence management leads to successful customerships.
Many companies gather customer intelligence, but are you one of those who can find the core information from the mass of data? Mere collection of data does not let you in on what the customer really, truly desires.

In fact, inaccurate information may lead you astray. One must dig deeper and know what information is relevant and have a factual meaning in developing sales and customerships.

To drive your business with data, you must know who your customers are. When a customer is identified, services and products are far easier to personalize. Knowing your customer and using targeted marketing activities and communication will increase sales and improve the popularity of a brand.

We will help you to see past the data and inform how it is possible to predict customer shopping behaviour and to develop and deepen your existing customer relations.

We will audit your customer data and offer models and procedures to manage it so it can be used in planning and developing its business.

We will also help you in managing and utilizing big data and coach you on benefitting from data-driven business. Let us be your guide in making you successful with your collected data!


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